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ملح بقلم Kang Kyeong-ae ... تدور أحداث رواية "ملح" في كوريا أثناء عصر الاحتلال الياباني، لتصور لحظة من تاريخ جنوب شرق آسيا ذات خصوصية، ولكنها -مثل أي أدب حقيقي- تتجاوز حدود الجغرافيا الضيقة لتصور للقارئ معاناة الإنسان وهمومه في أي مكان وزمان. وتعد المؤلفة "كانج كيونج آي" من أبرز الكاتبات الكوريات في خمسينات القرن العشرين.


Kang Kyeong-ae Kang Kyeong-Ae

(Kang Kyeong-ae) was a Korean writer, novelist and poet involved with the Feminist movement. She is also known by her penname Kang Gama.

She was a Korean writer whose stories are remarkable for their rejection of colonialism, patriarchy, and ethnic nationalism during a period when such views were truly radical and dangerous. Born in what is now North Korea, Kang wrote all her fiction in Manchuria during the Japanese occupation and witnessed the violence and daily struggles experienced by ethnic Koreans living in the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo. Kang's riveting stories are full of sensitivity, defiance, and a deep understanding of the oppressed people she wrote about

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