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? WHO KILLED CHANGE بقلم كين بلانشارد. ... Every day organizations around the world launch change initiatives – often big, expensive ones - designed to improve the status quo. Yet 50 to 70 percent of these change efforts fail. A few perish suddenly, but many die painful, protracted deaths that drain the organization's resources, energy and morale. So, Who or what is killing change? That's what you'll find out in this delightful whodunit. The story features a Columbo-style detective named Agent who's investigating the murder of yet another Change. One by one, Agent interviews thirteen prime suspects, including a myopic leader named Vision; a chronically tardy manager named Urgency; an executive named Communication whose laryngitis makes communication all but impossible; and several other dubious characters. The suspects are sure to sound familiar, and you're bound to relate them to your own workplace. In the end, Agent solves the case in a way that will inspire you to become an effective Change Agent in your own organization.

غير متاح للتحميل، حفاظًا على حقوق دار النشر.
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نبذة عن الكاتب

كين بلانشارد. كين بلانشارد.

هو كاتب وخبير إدارة
شارك في تأليف أكثر من 30 كتاب آخر من أكثر الكتب مبيعا، من ضمنها مشجعون يهذون:مقاربة تطورية لخدمة الزبناء، القيادة و مدير الدقيقة الواحدة:تضخيم الفعالية من خلال القيادة الظرفية،

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تقييمات ومراجعات (? WHO KILLED CHANGE)

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